As the story builds, its power to corrupt builds as well and the agony of the Journey resonates more and more loudly with the ideas of addiction recovery. Many times along the way, especially before he and Sam separate from the rest of the Fellowship, either he or one of the powerful individuals he encounters comment on. The powers of the One Ring are strong and at various times they almost tempt Frodo and members of the Fellowship to fall under its spell and relinquish the Journey. When Frodo begins his journey, he does not consider himself particularly heroic, but the job must be done and he is the only person available. They encounter incredible hardships and battles trying to gain the ultimate advantage over the evil of the disease.
While there is no one sufferer of such a disease in the story, Frodo and the Fellowship supporting him pursue a series of journeys very much like our own in the pursuit of Sobriety. The story can easily be read as the One Ring being the curse of alcoholism and addiction.

The central story of Tolkien’s trilogy, then, is the working of the Fellowship of the Ring, through enormous struggles, to facilitate Frodo’s completion of this task. The other attendees of the Council, princes of different parts of Middle Earth, form a Fellowship pledging themselves to protect Frodo in his mission. It is in the Council of Elrond where it is decided that the One Ring must be destroyed by throwing it into the fires of Mount Doom and it is Frodo who accepts the mission. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Journeys of Frodo by Barbara Strachey (1981, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at. A Dark Lord, Sauron, who originally forged it, is trying to re-capture it to complete his takeover of the known world, called Middle Earth in the story. Tolkien story of The Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Frodo Baggins, is given the task of destroying the One Ring that brings enormous, invincible power to anyone who wears it. presents Part 10 of a series dealing with Alcoholism and Addiction from a Mystical, Mythological Perspective, reflecting Bob’s scholarly work as a Ph.D. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings - Softcover Barbara Strachey 4.13 avg rating 1,129 ratings by Goodreads Softcover ISBN 10: 0049120115 ISBN 13: 9780049120112 Publisher: Published by Unwin Paperbacks (1981), 1981 View all copies of this ISBN edition: Buy New Learn more about this copy US 253. Like his uncle, Frodo is called to adventure by Gandalf, who thrusts the Ring into Frodos possession and asks him first to hold onto it, and then to take it to. Guest Blogger and long-time Council friend, Bob W.